Namaste, iam Hazel Weaver, Don’t work too hard.

Are Beast Tribe Quests Worth It Ffxiv? [Solved]

They are the best way to level a crafting class up to 80, other than crafting for the Firmament in Ishgard. Their rewards are better than some other Beast Tribes. By doing their quests, players can eventually get a minion, orchestration, mount, furniture, and even an emote.5 Mar 2021

FFXIV Tribal Quest Worth Doing? My Top Favorite Tribal Quests To Complete!

FFXIV How To Start Beast Tribe Quests Should You Do Them And Which To Start With Beginner Guide PS4

Mystic here with Mystic Shepherd gaming and in this video of

Beast Tribe Quests Are Better Than You Think | FFXIV

There are probably a lot of rewards I forgot to mention or just didn’t even realize are available (like the chocobo food!).