Hi, iam Kenneth Lucero, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

Are Disease Management Programs Effective? [Solved]

There is no evidence of a direct link between DMPs and significant reductions in mortality or of improvements in quality of life. There is no evidence on DMPs’ cost-effectiveness. There is a need to improve the quality of care for people with chronic diseases.

Self-Management Education: Managing Chronic Conditions Beyond Medications

Hear a doctor discuss the importance of self-

Community Pharmacy-Based Disease Management Programs Using Point-of-Care Tests

Presented At: Molecular Diagnostics Virtual Event 2018 Presented By: Donald Klepser, PhD Associate Professor, University of …

TEDxMaastricht - Luuk Simons - “From disease management to lifestyle management?”

A long term health enthousiast and thinker. That’s Luuk Simons. Luuk’s mission is to empower people to be as healthy as they can …