Sup, iam Rachel Lartigue, Have an A+ day.
Are Earthworms Considered Live Bait? [Solved]
Live baits include night crawlers, minnows, crayfish, tadpoles, leeches, grasshoppers, crickets, wax worms or just about any bug you can catch in your yard. Earthworms are an excellent choice for new anglers and will attract a variety of fish, including bluegill, catfish, crappie and largemouth bass.1 Sept 2020
Will it Work? Freshwater EARTHWORMS / NIGHTCRAWLERS for Saltwater Fishing - Catch Everything!
Will it Work? Freshwater
Earthworms are a great bait for coarse fishing. Here I share with you the simplest method possible
How to catch
Catching all kinds of fish with earthworm bait