Hola, iam Tracy Adams, I hope today is better than yesterday.

Are Most Bartenders Male Or Female? [Solved]

women There are over 726,936 bartenders currently employed in the United States. 60.3% of all bartenders are women, while 39.7% are men. The average age of an employed bartender is 33 years old.

Who Makes More Money Bartending, Men or Women? - Bartending 101

Who makes more money as a bartender, Men or Women? This is a question from a live stream recently, in this episode I take a …

The Psychology of Value - Why Bartenders Get Laid

So I don’t think

What to Consider When Hitting on Your Bartender

You sit down at the bar, have a few drinks, get to some chatting and you’ll be damned if you don’t think that there’s a real …