Sup, iam Keena Manley, Wishing you a productive day.

Are People From El Salvador White? [Solved]

Ethnically, 86.3% of Salvadorans are mixed (mixed Native Salvadoran and European (mostly Spanish) origin). Another 12.7% is of pure European descent, 1% are of pure indigenous descent, 0.16% are black and others are 0.64%.

Racial Makeup of Central America (Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and More!)

Today, we’re going to discuss the diverse racial makeup of all of the Central American countries of Belize, Costa Rica,

VOX POP: How do people from El Salvador react to Trump’s “shithole” remark?

VOX POP: The U.S. leader Trump has been under fire at home and abroad after some reports said he referred to some countries …

White Lion El Salvador
