Hi, iam Marilyn Bauer, Don’t overdo it!

Are Prussians Germanic Or Baltic? [Solved]

The Prussian language really belongs not to the Germanic but to the Baltic group of Indoeuropean languages and is cognate with living Lithuanian and Latvian languages. The Baltic group of languages in its turn is closest to the Slavic group of languages (Czech, Serbian, Polish, Russian etc.).

For all time. Emigration of the Baltic-Germans

At the beginning of World War II, from October to December 1939, the

The Disappearance of the Eastern Germans

Before WWII and the rise of Communism in the East, tens of millions of

Nachts steht Hunger starr in unserm Traum [German soldier song][+English translation]

For the sake of historical truth of this song: The song was written by the Silesian songwriter and youth leader Erich Scholz.