Namaste, iam Willie Vera, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Are Sororities Strict? [Solved]

Sorority women have, and continue to be, held to a stricter set of standards than their fraternity counterparts. While fraternities are given a lenient set of guidelines to follow, sororities are forced to abide by harsh rules (or face the risk of serious consequences).15 Sept 2011

Explaining Why I Dropped My Sorority | Exposing Toxic Greek Life Culture

This is the story of why I decided to drop from my

Things they DON’T tell you about sororities BLUNT

Things you gals should know before joining a

What Would You Do: Fraternity, sorority recruits hazed: Part 2

Part 2: New recruits are being publically hazed and humiliated during initiation into a fraternity. How will passersby react?