Greetings, iam Bruce Stratton, G’day, mate.

Are Swords Still Useful In Modern Combat? [Solved]

Though swords are no longer really used in a combat capacity, a wide variety of swords are still very much used in more honorary capacities – everything from the commissioning of officers to weddings. In fact, most officers in the military have ceremonial swords, and training in swords is part of officer training.10 Nov 2015

Swords vs Pistols in Modern Warfare

This was inspired by someone in the comments section of one of Scholagladiatoria’s videos claiming that it would be better to …

Which SWORD would MODERN PEOPLE Wear for Combat? Part 2

Which type of

What types of swords would people carry these days?

A question that comes up also some times and comments on my videos is are there better materials to make