Greetings, iam Sharon May, Good luck today!

Are The Brotherhood Of Steel Good? [Solved]

The BoS is more of a neutral faction. Depending on your choices, they can be good or evil. As an example, you could threaten Farmers for their food or bargain with them. Lyons was truly a good man, and the BoS became a “good” Faction in FO3 under him.13 Apr 2018

Brotherhood of Steel - GOOD or EVIL?

Saviors of the waste or fascist pawns of the government. The

Fallout 4: Why The Brotherhood of Steel Ending is Good for the Commonwealth #PumaTheories

Hey guys, back with another Fallout 4 video and today I wanted to discuss the implications of the

Why the Brotherhood of Steel is Evil - Fallout 4 Lore

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