Sup, iam Kevin Stewart, Asalam walekum.

Are The Marvel Zombies Evil? [Solved]

Marvel Zombies refers to not just an organization of evil-doers but the populace of an entire alternate reality filled with zombified versions of both heroes and villains from the mainstream Marvel universe, the series became infamous due to its dark twists and the way it warped popular characters into gruesome killing

Evil Dead vs Marvel Zombies: The Full Gory Story - What If Multiverse Explored


Marvel Zombies: Evil Evolution - Longbox of the Damned

Longbox of the Damned is a daily series throughout October by Linkara about fantastic horror comics! Hosted by Moarte (and his …

Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness - Longbox of the Damned

Longbox of the Damned is a daily series throughout October by Linkara about fantastic horror comics! Hosted by Moarte (and his …