Howdy, iam Julia Stewart, I hope you have the best day today.

Are There A Lot Of Canadians In Seattle? [Solved]

The majority of the population of the USA’s northern neighbor actually live south of a major US city. While the 49th parallel is often thought of as the border between the US and Canada, around 72% of Canadians live below it, and Seattle, WA.17 Aug 2021

Guarding Canada-US illegal border crossings

U.S. border control officers are struggling to cope with the number of asylum seekers illegally crossing into

Canada to drop COVID vaccine mandate for visitors | FOX 13 Seattle

Travelers will not be required to show proof of vaccination to enter

Hero Wrestles Seattle Gunman During Reload [CAUGHT ON CAMERA]

A new video is released showing hero student Jon Meis pepper-spray and wrestle a gun away from shooter Aaron Ybarra.