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Are There Sharks In Lava? [Solved]
Kavachi is active, and eruptions are common. But the sharks are not scared off by the underwater explosions or submarine boiling lava. It is theorized this may be due to special pores near their snouts, called ampullae of Lorenzini, which scientists believe allow them to sense changes in Earth’s magnetic field.20 Aug 2020
These Scientists Found Sharks Living Inside An Active Underwater Volcano
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Sharks Discovered Inside Underwater Volcano (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) | Expedition Raw
A real life sharkcano? Ocean engineer Brennan Phillips led a team to the remote Solomon Islands in search of hydrothermal …
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl | ‘Origin Story’ (HD) | MIRAMAX
… but no one believed that his wildest creations – a boy raised by watchful great white