Namaste, iam Frederick Pinkerton, Have a pleasant day.
Are There Skyscrapers In 7 Days To Die? [Solved]
Dishong Tower consists of many floors potentially taking a player up to 2-3 days of Looting with camping in between to reach the top of this building. It consist of 15 floors and 3 different Sections: Office Area, Construction Area, and Penthouse.
Hardest Skyscraper Yet | 7 Days to Die Alpha 20 Gameplay | Part 64
7 Days to Die
SKYSCRAPER HORDE BASE! - 7 Days to Die: MEGA CITY EP 27 | 2022 Giant City Let’s Play Gameplay
#7DaystoDie #megacity #alpha20 A BRAND NEW CHALLENGE! The whole map is ONE GIANT CITY! A HUGE CITY MAP!
7 Days to Die: Skyscraper Horde!
7 Days to Die