Hi, iam Ernest Aguilar, May your day be joyful.

Are There Super Mutant Behemoths In Fallout 4? [Solved]

You will find Super Mutant Behemoths in some areas of the Commonwealth where there are groups of Super Mutants in open areas. You won’t find them in buildings, except for certain quests.

Fallout 4 - All Behemoth Locations + SWAN (VERY HARD)

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 - Top 5 Behemoth Encounters

Don’t hurt me, I’ll put it back.. Here, I list my Top 5

The Forced Evolution Virus ( FEV ) Of Fallout 4 Explored | Super Mutants and Behemoths Explained

The Forced Evolution Virus or FEV is one that gets down to your DNA and begins altering you on not just the genetic make up …