Greetings, iam Willis Melvin, I hope your day is great!

Can A Knife Beat A Sword? [Solved]

While there is no established cut-off between a knife vs. a sword as far as length, the longer the blade gets, the more useful it becomes as a fighting weapon. Historically, most sword blades were quite long, as the greater sword length offered a longer reach on the battlefield.

Knife vs Bare Hands - A Reality Check

Two martial arts experts. One’s got a

Forged in Fire: NEVER Bring a Knife To a Sword Fight!

The bladesmiths compete against each other to forge the sharpest of blades, in this clip from Season 9, Episode 8, “The

Knife vs Handgun - A Reality Check

The ultimate question: what distance should you keep when dealing with an attacker armed with a