Greetings, iam Harold Hill, Have a Rock-and-Roll Day!
Can Anakin Breathe Without His Mask? [Solved]
Why Can’t Darth Vader Breathe Without His Mask? Dark Vader cannot breathe without his mask because his mask is connected to a life support system. His famous black armor suit covers this life-sustaining system.7 May 2022
How Long can Darth Vader SURVIVE WITHOUT His Suit? - Star Wars Explained
Darth Vader was extremely powerful, however just how powerful was he,
The HORRIFYING Surgery Anakin Went through to become Vader! (Star Wars Explained)
Did you know exactly what
George Lucas Says Anakin Could Have Survived WITHOUT Vader’s Suit…
In the making of The Return of the Jedi book, there is a dialogue chapter where George Lucas discusses