Namaste, iam Zachery Dunneback, Hope you’re doing good!

Can Civilians Own Sbr? [Solved]

In the absence of local laws prohibiting ownership, American civilians may own an SBR provided it is registered with the ATF, and a $200 tax is paid prior to taking possession of or creating the firearm.

Should You Form 1 Your AR-15 Pistol or Form 4 an SBR? (Pros & Cons)

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you’re …

Short Barreled Rifle Freedom Bill Passes And Removes NFA Restrictions!!!

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to provide any legal guidance or advice. Although I am a licensed attorney I am not …

How to Buy A Machine Gun (Legally)

I often get asked how someone