Hola, iam Sarah Sabol, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.
Can Curie Be Romanced? [Solved]
You will begin to see “Flirt” dialogue options when speaking with Curie, with speech checks attached to them. At this point you can take one of two routes: you can choose to pursue romance with Curie or remain platonic with her. Note that you DO NOT need to romance a companion to gain their companion perk.
Fallout 4: Curie Romance Complete All Scenes(Miss Nanny/Synth)
Fallout 4
Is It Wrong to Love Curie? Or Synths At All? Is She Your Grandchild? - Fallout 4 Lore
My Rig: Graphics Card: http://amzn.to/2oMqo4S Power Supply: http://amzn.to/2djTKma Solid State Hard Drive: …
Fallout 4 - Curie Romance - Final Scene
Fourth and final conversation, unlocked after maxing out