Hi, iam Johnathan Prat, Have a happy day.

Can Deathclaws Be Friendly? [Solved]

In the quest The Devil’s Due when returning the egg, the deathclaw guarding the nest is scripted to be permanently friendly to the player character and their followers as long as the nest is not interacted with after the egg is returned.

Can You Beat Fallout 4 As A Deathclaw?

Combat Easy. Navigation Hard. The twitter I forget to use: https://twitter.com/Nerbit_13098

You Can Befriend Talking Deathclaws in Fallout New Vegas

buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/knightraven You

Fallout 4: How to Make FRIENDS with a DEATHCLAW! (OR Make Tasty Deathclaw Omelet) [Devil’s Due]

See below for DETAILED DIRECTIONS! 1) Locate Museum of Witchcraft (northeastern part of Commonwealth, east of Dunwich …