Hi, iam Peggy Lamar, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.
Can Gmod Have A Virus? [Solved]
Lua Viruses do not affect anything outside of Garry’s Mod, unless it is using Binary Modules. Viruses by definition are files that can infect other files, of which is not the case with any malicious lua script we have seen so far.
Garry’s Mod Addon Creator Banned, Then Spreads Goatse…
Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we bear witness the effects of an addon developer that once banned from …
I Created a VIRUS Outbreak Now Selling The CURE For $1,000,000 - Gmod DarkRP LIFE #37
I Created a
Weird Gmod Virus
There’s this weird bug or