Hello, iam Ronald Smothers, I hope your day goes well.

Can Gold Be Destroyed? [Solved]

Gold Can’t Be Destroyed, only Dissolved As it stands, it is not possible to destroy gold on a molecular level with any naturally occurring substance on earth. Pure gold is virtually indestructible. It will not corrode, rust or tarnish, and fire cannot destroy it.7 Nov 2020

Acid Vs Gold | FlinnScientific

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What gives a dollar bill its value? - Doug Levinson

The value of money is determined by how much (or how little) of it is in circulation. But who makes that decision, and how does …

How Bitcoin can be destroyed | Saifedean Ammous and Lex Fridman

GUEST BIO: Saifedean Ammous is an Austrian economist and author of The Bitcoin Standard and The Fiat Standard. PODCAST …