Namaste, iam Bertha Mesich, Don’t miss me too much.

Can Hoverboards Go Uphill? [Solved]

Yes, you can ride your hoverboard on an uphill road. Hoverboards have an incline-assist system which helps you climb inclines without putting any extra effort. Not only is the uphill journey taken care but also the downhill journey is assisted well. You can control your speed while riding downhill.30 Mar 2019

Balance Scooter Downhill and Uphill Demostration in Factory

Amazing Electric Balance climbing capacity.

Hoverboard Race Down a Mountain on Halo Rovers!

We wanted to put the Halo Rover to the test! So we took it down a mountain! Get your Halo Board or Rover …

Can Hoverboard go on airplane? Can Hoverboard go uphill? Can Hoverboard go on carpet?

Can Hoverboard go on airplane