Hi, iam Salome Balkus, Asalam walekum.

Can I Carry A Loaded Gun In My Car Without A Permit In Ohio? [Solved]

Anyone can carry a loaded handgun in their vehicle and that loaded handgun can be stored anywhere in the vehicle. One major exception as outlined above, a “permitless carrier” of a firearm may NOT carry a handgun in their vehicle when they drive into a school safety zone.13 Jun 2022

THE GUN LAWYER: Can I Open Carry a Loaded Firearm in My Vehicle if I Have a CHL?

Please feel free to contact us at: MUNITIONS LAW GROUP Cheshire DeBrosse, P.C. 503 South Front Street, Suite 240B …

THE GUN LAWYER - Ohio Motor Vehicle Carry Laws

Transporting or merely possessing a

Carry Concealed In Your Car - No CCW Required
