Hi, iam Kenneth Rabenold, Hope you’re having a great week!
Can I Cross The Tijuana Border Without A Passport? [Solved]
U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport book or card, in addition to an entry permit (Forma Migratoria Multiple or FMM) issued by Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM). Travelers should be sure to enter Mexico with valid proof of automobile registration, even if remaining in the border zone.
What Happened When Trying to Cross into Tijuana Without A Passport
Contact Me Directly: Instagram: @negritograndemexico Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/negritogrand Facebook: …
What happens if you cross the border without a passport?
00:00 - What happens if you
Mexican crossing border with no pasport… only D.L and birth certificate
I want to see what the interaction is I mean I got my