Howdy, iam Philip Davis, Have a pleasant day.
Can I Get My Sprout Back Ffxiv? [Solved]
You can’t play and keep the sprout forever. You lose the New Adventurer status (and with it the sprout) after you have finished the level 70 quest “A Requiem for Heroes” (the last quest in the Stormblood MSQ) and have at least 168 hours of playtime. You can’t play and keep the sprout forever.2 Oct 2019
FFXIV How to Remove your Sprout Icon
In this video, we’re going to learn how to remove that
FFXIV guide: How to hide/remove your green leaf or sprout
Welcome! This is a guide to hide or
Sprouts Pray Returning to the Waking Sands | FFXIV
Final Fantasy XIV