Hola, iam Barbara Balducci, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

Can I Just Stick A Turbo On My Car? [Solved]

In short, although you can theoretically add a turbocharger to almost any naturally-aspirated engine, it’s not a plug-and-play process. There are a lot of parts that require careful consideration. Luckily, some tuning companies have taken some of the guesswork out of the process.29 Jun 2020

Turbo’d my Mom’s Car - Her Reaction Was Priceless!

Secretly installed a

Can You Put a Turbo in Any Naturally-Aspirated Car? NA to TURBO! | AnswersTheQ


How To Turbo Your Car [In 5 Minutes]

In this video, the boys from Mighty Car Mods show you in 5 minutes whats involved in