Hello, iam Stephen Bell, Have a nice day.
Can I Just Walk Into Canada? [Solved]
Legally, there is no restriction on crossing the U.S.-Canada border on foot. While it is far more common to cross in a vehicle, no law in either the U.S. or in Canada forbids walking across the border. However, you must pass through customs.
The Places Where Sneaking Over the US-Canada Border is Legal
Music by Epidemic Sound Satellite imagery provided by Google.
The US-Canada border splits this road down the middle
Rue Canusa (or Canusa Avenue) is a street that’s split in two by a border: the northern part is in Stanstead,
Casually Explained: Is She Into You?
Based on a true story. Dedicated to Jimmy. Unrelated. Subscribe to Mr. Casually Explained: https://goo.gl/IEE7wl Some shameful …