Hi, iam Nathaniel Feinberg, I hope your day is great!

Can I Sell Strange Feather Gw2? [Solved]

The item may be freely sold at any time. It hints towards the start of the Griffon mount collection; it is not needed for anything.

Guild Wars 2 - The rarest items, achievements & Co. [GERMAN VOICE, ENGLISH SUBTITLES]

RARE STUFF! It’s rare. PS: 24-Hour-Stream including 10000-Chest-Opening, Giveaways and more coming soon! Follow me on https …

5 CRAZY Ninja Loot Reactions In WoW! (RAGE)

Ninja looting is mostly non existent in Battle for Azeroth, however back in the day this happened a lot. Here are 5 insane reactions …

What Determines Value in Guild Wars?

In this video I go over some things that are indicators of value in an item in GW1. As well as some general ideas I use when …