Greetings, iam Andrew Palumbo, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

Can I Sell The Jagged Crown? [Solved]

It’s a quest item. The value of 5000 doesn’t really mean anything. Quest items can not be sold. In order to get the tag off of it, you’d need to do the pickpocket glitch with Ralof to get it back, in which case you can then sell it without penalty.

Skyrim - How to Keep the Jagged Crown

This works with latest patch 1.09 on all systems xbox, ps3, pc if you dont get it keep trying! Hit than Like Button!! & Don’t Forget to …

Skyrim ٠ What Happens if Hadvar Tries to take the Jagged Crown

In this video I

Skyrim Modded - Part 57 | The Jagged Crown

We’ve intercepted Stormcloak messages claiming that they’ve found the