Sup, iam Willis Dunigan, Hope you’re having a great day!

Can I Shower Instead Of Wiping? [Solved]

The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders recommends washing rather than wiping when you have anal discomfort. If you’re at home, you can: Wash in the shower with lukewarm water, especially if you have a handheld showerhead.22 May 2019

The Wipe Debate: Sitters Vs. Standers

Stand up for what you believe in! Or stay seated. Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos! …

We Made An American Give Up Toilet Paper For A Week | BuzzFeed India

“This feels like deep-cleaning.” This video was filmed before the lockdown was announced. BuzzFeed employees are now …

Take a Shower Without Wiping After Pooping? [Never Have I Ever]

Notification* We started our Channel Membership! Join our Membership and enjoy lots of benefits! :) If you want to join the …