Greetings, iam Brooke Burns, Have a splendid day!

Can I Take A Knife Camping In The Uk? [Solved]

There is no reasonable justification for carrying a combat knife while camping in the UK. The law does not permit carrying any offensive weapon, even for self-defence. It means that you won’t be able to defend yourself in a court of law if caught with a combat knife on your person.8 Apr 2021

Which Knife for UK camping, hiking and backpacking, plus UK knife law

Join me in the woods for a chat over a brew and a bacon sarnie whilst I share and discuss just some of my

In this video I head to the woods, set up a tarp shelter and discuss the

Every Knife Owner Needs to Know This! | UK Knife Law and Everyday Carry Pocket Knives

The starting point is that it is an offence under s.139 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 to