Hi, iam Sophia Krefft, Don’t work too hard.

Can I Use Sisters? [Solved]

Sisters is the plural for sister. Sister’s is the singular possessive form of sister. Sisters’ is the plural possessive form of sisters. Sisters or Sister’s or Sisters’ are all pronounced the same way in English but they are used in different contexts.

Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves [Ft. Aretha Franklin] (Official Video)

#Eurythmics#SistersDoinItForThemselves …

Sisters of Parvos | Spawning & How to Get Started | Warframe

Next we’ll be going over how to eliminate them from this mortal plane! Play Warframe! https://www.warframe.com/signup?

Gypsy Parenting Tips YOU Can Use | Gypsy Sisters

Kayla shares the parenting tips her gypsy mother passed down to her. She’s got a rock-solid relationship with her teens – so why …