Hola, iam Chris Pyron, Enjoy the rest of your day.

Can Mermaid Babies Survive? [Solved]

Sirenomelia is associated with severe life-threatening complications and is often fatal in the first years of life. However, survival beyond infancy into later childhood or young adulthood has been reported in a handful of cases. The characteristic finding of sirenomelia is partial or complete fusion of the lower legs.

Learning to Live - Mermaid Girl: The Next Chapter | Full Documentary | Origin

Continuing the story of the incredible Shiloh Pepin, who has one of the rarest physical deformities known to man; Sirenomelia, …

Doctors treat baby born with “mermaid syndrome”

(8 May 2004) 1. Exterior, hospital 2. Doctors and nurses moving the

Roblox find baby mermaids…

im secretly a fish… today is