Hello, iam Laura Hughes, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Can My Neighbour Lean Things Against My House? [Solved]

Any direct or indirect interference with the possession of land can amount to a legal trespass. However, you do not physically have to walk or drive on land to become a trespasser, it is enough for you do something that interferes with the owner’s possession of his property.4 Mar 2011

Neighbor’s tree is leaning over my property

When a tree comes down by Act of God, everyone is responsible for their own repairs and clean up. However, if the tree is …

When you accidentally write songs that already exist part 2

Get Honey for FREE today ▸ http://joinhoney.com/thrasher Honey finds coupons with the click of a button. Thanks to Honey for …

We Bought A House With No Money | Our Testimony

newhome #newhouse #testimony ‘Me and Mi