Namaste, iam Deborah Brentley, Have a Rock-and-Roll Day!

Can Ocean Going Ships Reach Chicago? [Solved]

The St. Lawrence Seaway, completed in 1959, connected the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes, enabling oceangoing ships to reach major cities like Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland. Along the way, the Welland Canal enables ships to bypass the Niagara Falls, yet limits their width to 78 feet.

Every Stop a Shipping Container Makes from China to Chicago | WIRED

The global pandemic triggered sky-high spending on manufactured goods. This increased spending created a huge bottleneck in …

5 Things American Tourists Shouldn’t Wear in Europe

Please Note: Young People Wear Many of These Styles Throughout Europe. These tips are geared toward 35+ year old travelers.

Styx - Boat On The River

Music video by Styx performing