Howdy, iam Joseph Tate, Buongiorno.

Can People Grow Old In Fallout Shelter? [Solved]

no. and the following is a result of that design choice, for better or worse rules are: you can NOT make babies with your own son/daughter/brother/sister the grandparents and grandkids get together to produce your future super dwellers 1 Apr 2017

Inside the Doomsday Bunker for the Super Rich

In episode two of Hacking the Apocalypse, Claire Reilly looks at the risk of an all-out nuclear war and tours a Cold-War era missile …

Toddler Chain-Smokes Through 2 Packs of Cigarettes a Day

This toddler has a shocking habit! New footage shows the Indonesian child puffing away on cigarettes in front of his smiling …

Have you seen this man on your #fyp page who people claim is 163-years-old? | ITV News

For more stories like this, follow Here’s The Story from ITV News on Instagram at or …