Greetings, iam Ethel Calhoun, I hope your day is great!
Can Rosie Win The Election Fallout 3? [Solved]
The only way to get Rosie or Bob to win is to steal the other ballots for Dave out of the box before he counts them all.
Fallout 3 How To Rig the Election at the Republic of Dave
Follow instructions. Yay 1000+ views.
Fallout 3 Republic of Dave part 2 of 2 Election Day
With the unmarked quest
Resurrection & a rigged election FALLOUT 3 ep203 (Dave, Rosie, Ol’ Painless, Rory, Break, Olney) PC
I use console commands for the first time ever to reset Bob, then I tamper with the ballot box and rig the Republic of Dave