Hello, iam Pedro Lopez, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

Can Someone Be Put In A Care Home Against Their Will? [Solved]

Can you force someone to move to a care home? You cannot force someone who is deemed to be of sound mind and able to care for themselves to move into a care home if they don’t want to. It is vital that, throughout discussions regarding care, the person’s wants and needs are addressed at all times.

Top 3 signs your loved one with dementia needs nursing home care

Welcome to the place where I share dementia tips, strategies, and information for family members caring for a loved one with any …

Why Families in Europe Are Sending Elderly Relatives To Care Homes in Thailand

While Thailand has long been a popular tourist destination, in recent years Westerners have also been flocking

Personalisation: Promoting independence in care homes

Personalisation means thinking about