Namaste, iam Julie Craig, I hope you have the best day today.

Can Strongholds Spawn Without End Portals? [Solved]

Strongholds don’t necessarily have a end portal. Although Java always has portals, Bedrock occasionally produces strongholds without portals.2 Jan 2019

Can’t find the End Portal In Your Stronghold? Do This! - Minecraft Bedrock 1.18 Survival Ep.19

Hi, thanks for tuning in to my Minecraft Bedrock Survival Guide / Let’s Play Series. We need to fight the dragon so we

HOW TO FIND THE END PORTAL!!!(if it glitched out)

This is a video about how to find the

This Stronghold has no End Portal #shorts

shorts Important Note: The seed and the coordinates shown in this video is only compatible for Minecraft: Pocket Edition/ Bedrock …