Namaste, iam Gary Hucks, Don’t overdo it!

Can Traveler Be Main Dps? [Solved]

Better as a Sub-DPS or Support We don’t recommend using the Anemo Traveler as your Main DPS, because other characters can deal more damage overall. Instead, use the Anemo Traveler’s Elemental Skill and Burst for great crowd control!

I Turned Electro Traveler to a Main DPS


I Turned Dendro Traveler to a Main DPS

this is the dendro

Aether Main DPS Anemo, Geo And Electro Against All Bosses In The Game

Channel Supporter: Fh Muzaky Xou Kaan A Alep Luqman NI-KI Mandu Core 18 Tala Estrany Andreuet Isryad Rama Inferno_o …