Hola, iam Annette Kappler, Have a splendid day!

Can Werewolves Get Drunk? [Solved]

The transformation into a werewolf can cure chronic illnesses like asthma and epilepsy. Werewolves can not get drunk unless the alcohol is mixed with wolfs-bane. It’s normally broken down,crushed and poured into the alcohol where the flower will dissolve and mix.

What Kind Of WEREWOLF Are You?

Alpha Tests Presents: What Kind Of WEREWOLF Are You? Are You A Werewolf? Am I A Werewolf? What Type Of Monster Are …

Twilight: New Moon (7/12) Movie CLIP - Jacob’s Transformation (2009) HD

CLIP DESCRIPTION: Jacob (Taylor Lautner) transforms into a wolf in order to protect Bella (Kristen Stewart) from danger FILM …

Can I Have a Drunk? | One Night Ultimate Werewolf

One more round of One Night Ultimate Werewolf to go. Will history repeats itself with a