Hello, iam Amanda Murphy, Peace out!

Can You Artillery Strike Diamond City? [Solved]

Originally posted by ddhaley2: The inside of Diamond City is a separate cell from the rest of the worldspace. You’re not going to be able to call artillery strikes into it.21 Apr 2017

Fallout 4 in 2021: Artillery strike on the Quincy ruins (the Minutemen’s revenge)

This is a poetic justice for the Minutemen after the Quincy massacre. My mod list: https://pastebin.com/4TFxik6a.

Annihilating Raider Base with Artillery. Fallout 4

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 - Old Guns - How To Unlock Artillery Strikes

Read Description After doing the mission “Taking Independence” go back to “the castle” settlement and look for a old minute man …