Hi, iam Samuel Knoll, So long!
Can You Become Elder Of The Bos Fallout 4? [Solved]
Short answer: No, it’s not true. You can’t take over the Brotherhood and replace Maxson as Elder. There are voice lines of Danse found in the game files that indicate this option, but it was cut from the game. Killing Maxson in the game simply turns the BoS hostile, even during that quest.17 Dec 2015
How to Become Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel - Fallout 4 Cut Content & Mods
Mods in this video: Face Maxson to Save Danse &
FALLOUT 4 Cut Content - BECOME ELDER OF THE BROTHERHOOD - Brotherhood Alternate Ending
Do you
Fallout 4 Cut Content - Become Elder of the Brotherhood - Blind Betrayal Alternate Ending Restored
I showcase the Alternate Cut Ending to the epic quest Blind Betrayal. It implements cut scenes and dialogue such as Danse …