Hola, iam Pamela Dills, Good luck today!

Can You Bribe Dark Aeons? [Solved]

Most Dark Aeons’ overdrives kill the entire party (especially Yojimbo) so whenever his or her overdrive fires up in the next turn, summon Yuna to sacrifice one of your Aeons for you. It’s for a good cause. Bribe your way through it, if you want to take the easy route.

Final Fantasy X HD- Killing All 8 Dark Aeons In 1 Hit(Zanmato)!

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) JESUS CHRIST LOVES

Final Fantasy X Remaster - Boss: Dark Anima

Overall, Dark Anima has the highest HP of eight million of all the other

Final Fantasy X | HD - How to beat Dark Yojimbo Aeon

I found 135000 Heroes,