Sup, iam Victoria Payne, I hope today is better than yesterday.

Can You Buy A House In Fallout 3? [Solved]

Make Your Way To Megaton Lucas Simms, self-appointed town sheriff will ask you to disarm the bomb. This is relatively easy to do. Simply go up to the bomb and press the interaction button, disarm it, and return to Simms. For your troubles, he’ll give you a key to your very own home in Megaton.21 Mar 2021

All About My Megaton House - A Fallout 3 Player Home

My Rig: Graphics Card: Power Supply: Solid State Hard Drive: …

Fallout 3 - How To disarm the bomb and get a house in Megaton

All About the Tenpenny Tower Suite - A Fallout 3 Player Home

My Rig: Graphics Card: Power Supply: Solid State Hard Drive: …