Sup, iam Lula Crossland, I hope your day goes well.
Can You Buy Gp Ff7? [Solved]
Sometimes there will be a man standing to the left of this house who will sell you GP at a rate of 1GP = 100 Gil, but you can only buy the GP in sets of 10 (at a cost of 1000 Gil), and you are limited to buying a maximum of 100GP (at a cost of 10,000 Gil) each time he appears.24 Nov 2021
FF7 Chocobo BETTING Guide - Farming GP On Disk 1! Final Fantasy 7 Walkthrough
Final Fantasy VII
FINAL FANTASY VII - Secret Guy Selling GP at Gold Saucer
1/7 chance for him to appear. Keep entering until he shows up. “he only shows up after
Just The Tip - Easy Gold Saucer points [FF7]
Easy Alternative to gaining