Greetings, iam Patricia Gillen, I hope your day goes well.

Can You Chop Down Trees In Fallout 76? [Solved]

Unlike Minecraft you can’t simply chop down one of the many trees in the game and harvest it, which we’re sure many players have tried to do. Wood can be bought from a few vendors or just in random containers, but otherwise the resource is available in two places: wood piles and fallen trees.14 Nov 2018

Fallout 76: Remove Unwanted Objects in your CAMP (Grass, Bushes, Shrubs, Trees, Rocks)

I just wanted to show a quick way to remove unwanted objects in your CAMP while building a base. This won’t make things 100% …

How to get WOOD SCRAP in FALLOUT 76

Today I show y’all

Fallout 76 - “300 WOOD Per Minute” (Best Wood Farming Locations)

▻ CREDITS: A Special Thanks to my Patron supporters: Seven Fangs, Marcel Michel ————————————